Friday, January 1, 2016

Why yes... My tree is still up. It's still Christmas.

Happy 8th Day of Christmas!  Yes.  It's still Christmas.  It's also New Year's Day.   My tree is still up and it will remain up until probably next weekend when I can have the proper time to take everything down and put it away.   Those of you who know me, personally, know I am easily overwhelmed.   Today is a battle of being overwhelmed to the point of wanting to crawl back in bed.  I am overwhelmed by the tasks that lie ahead today.  Tasks that do not bring joy.  And being in a situation I loathe almost to the point of wanting to die than be faced with it.   If I were to tell you the situation you'd say... that "It's ridiculous for you to feel this way."   But I 'feel' this way nonetheless.    I ask God to help me face the tasks that lie ahead today, even though - physically I feel alone in these - and literally I am alone.  So that is why it's important for me to cling onto the magic of Christmas and the Hope it brings.  The hope we have in Christ.  The advent season is about waiting and preparing our hearts and home to receive the gift.  The Christmas season (12 days - beginning on Christmas day) - helps me continue to celebrate that hope and promise.  I need that today.    I need hope. 


  1. Praying for you. You know I too live with a very difficult situation but the relationship I have with the Lord, brings me joy and makes these things bearable. I took our tree down yesterday.

  2. Praying for you. You know I too live with a very difficult situation but the relationship I have with the Lord, brings me joy and makes these things bearable. I took our tree down yesterday.

  3. Thank you Bethie! It's nice to know someone reads this... lol.
