Sunday, November 30, 2014

The kiss... Yep.  You're welcome... that is, if you're reading... if not - your loss. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A hard year...

Since October of 2013, I have lost both of my parents.  My mother died 4 days after having a massive heart attack in October 2013 and my father died in August 2014 of complications from COPD, but really, we all know he died of a broken heart, trying valiantly to live without my mom.  When I was a child, I used to think, if anything happened to my mother, I would die too.  It was a childish thought, but one, I firmly believed.  While I didn't die, I can say that my life is much smaller now without her in it.  I still miss her, every day.  Today is Thanksgiving 2014.  My 1st without both of my parents.  And while this was always a holiday we used to spend with my sister, we have transitioned it over the years to different places, and so it's not a time of hard-felt traditions.  Today, I am at home, with my youngest... who has been feverish with upper respiratory symptoms for 24 hours now.  I am sincerely happily content to be here, keeping her company & comfortable.  The rest of my clan is at my brother & sister n law's house having that traditional dinner.  This year has taught me - by God's grace - to be grateful in the small things.  For a home, a car, a job, albeit - part-time... (still slightly bitter about can pray for me on that if you like... ) for my husband, who loves me, even though I make it hard to do so most days... for having enough things in our lives to be comfortable, safe and secure, for my beautiful, original, intelligent daughters who make me smile and fill me with joy.  For my sweet friends, who pray and love me both near & far... And last but really first & certainly not LEAST - for my heavenly Father who loves me just as I am, where I am, no matter what - who loves me enough to save me through His son, by His death on the cross.  So that when this life is harder than I think I can bear, I can know - This is not my home.  To God be the Glory - today and always.  Happy Thanksgiving!